Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD or SSDI) is a benefits program available to persons with disabilities and certain members of their families. SSDI is available on a temporary or permanent basis, depending on the nature of the recipient’s medical condition. Applicants are not required to meet financial conditions, but rather they must have a qualifying medical condition and have earned enough “work credits” while employed. If you suffer from a disability, contact Chicago social security disability attorney Robert Smoler at (800) 682-9330 to schedule a free consultation to learn more about SSDI benefits and the SSDI claims process.
Application Process
When you file for SSDI benefits, you will need to submit several pieces of information to the Social Security Administration, including:
- Social Security Numbers of you, your spouse and your children
- Detailed information regarding medical treatment, including names and contact information of doctors, hospitals, clinics, and other health care providers that have treated you, along with the dates of treatment.
- Prescription medication information.
- Information regarding any medical tests.
- Employment information for previous 5 jobs, including types of jobs and dates worked.
- W-2 Form from the previous year.
- Information about any insurance or workers’ compensation claims you filed, including claim number and contact information of insurance company.
- Military Service discharge information for all periods of active duty, if applicable.
Chicago SSDI Attorney Robert Smoler has extensive experience helping clients gather the necessary information and documentation in order to submit a timely and thorough SSDI application with the Social Security Administration.
Disability Hearing
If your SSDI claim is denied, you may file a Request for Reconsideration and a new adjudicator may be assigned to review the claim. If a Request for Reconsideration of your social security disability claim is denied, you may then request a disability hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. The Administrative Law Judge will conduct an independent review of your social security disability claim.
Because the hearing is an administrative legal procedure, during which witnesses can be questioned and cross-examined, it is highly advisable to seek the representation of an experienced Illinois social security disability attorney when you are facing a disability hearing. Illinois social security disability lawyer Robert Smoler has considerable experience representing clients before and during their disability hearing. He will prepare you for the hearing and advocate on your behalf while at the hearing.
How Smoler Law Office Can Help
The experienced Chicago social security disability lawyer Robert Smoler has the skill and knowledge necessary to help you throughout the entire SSDI process. He will help you file your application for social security disability benefits and, if necessary, he will advocate on your behalf at the disability hearing.
Contact Chicago SSDI Attorney Robert Smoler at (800) 682-9330 to schedule a free consultation to learn more about how he can help you pursue your social security disability claim.