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Temporary disability benefits in Illinois exist for workers who can’t perform their regular work for a certain period because of a work-related injury. In contrast, permanent disability benefits are provided when a work-related injury causes a permanent inability to fulfill normal job duties. These benefits differ in purpose, duration, and payment calculations.

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As a patient who suffered injuries at the hands of a medical provider, you may be wondering, “Who can you sue for malpractice?” To identify the liable party or parties, your medical malpractice attorney will investigate your case to identify all factors that may have contributed to your injuries, and the medical professionals who played a role in causing them or allowing the factors to occur.

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Once your personal injury lawsuit reaches the discovery phase, you’ll need to know, “Just how long does the discovery process take?” The discovery process typically lasts anywhere from six months to a year. However, it can last even longer, depending on factors like the complexity of your case and the amount of evidence to be reviewed.

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When Illinois work-related injuries occur, most workers try to return to work as soon as possible to avoid a lapse in pay. However, if you return to work too soon, it can impact your physical health and your finances.

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Preventing warehouse injuries starts with the actions of the employer. Working in a warehouse comes with injury risks from falls, moving heavy materials, falling objects, heavy machinery, and exposure to toxic chemicals. Workplace safety should be a priority for workers.

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All medical procedures, especially surgical procedures, come with certain health and injury risks. However, those risks should never be caused by a medical professional’s negligence. When this happens, injured patients can file a medical malpractice lawsuit and recover compensation for their injuries by proving causation.

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You can sue for misdiagnosis of a broken bone if a medical provider failed to diagnose, and you suffered harm because of that failure. Medical providers often fail to diagnose broken bones even when patients present with obvious symptoms, such as unbearable pain, bruising, swelling, and trouble moving the limbs.

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The five most dangerous medications doctors still prescribe in Chicago and across the US include acetaminophen, benzodiazepines, prescription opiates, antidepressants, and methadone.

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When you wake up in the morning, the first thing on your mind is probably not, “Hey I should call my attorney.”  In fact, it shouldn’t be.  An effective attorney is constantly considering the client’s needs, and engages in reliable communication to meet those needs.  The attentive attorney has already mapped out a series of steps that will guide the client successfully through the litigation process, up to, and if necessary, a trial.  Early on in my experience, I picked up a phrase from a great mentor, who would tell his clients, “The worrying is my job, not yours.”  If […]

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A recent NIH study on occupational low back pain in truck drivers found that over 50% of long distance truck drivers surveyed experience debilitating lower back pain.  For those familiar with the physical demands of truck driving, the study findings make sense, if not provide a conservative estimate of what some claim is an epidemic of back problems that affect long distance truck drivers at a rate of four times the national average.  The human spinal column was not made for sitting long hours on the lower end of the spine.  Spinal discs that are supported by water begin to […]

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