Internal hemorrhage, or internal bleeding, occurs when blood leaks inside the human body. Blood is transported around the body in blood vessels, and when one of these ruptures, it can result in internal bleeding. Internal bleeding can cause blood to spill into the body’s cavities such as the abdomen, pelvis, thighs, and chest. Internal bleeding is a serious injury and requires immediate medical attention.
The Basics of Internal Bleeding
Internal bleeding is hard to detect because it is entirely internal. Therefore, everyone who might have been injured in a car or workplace accident should see a doctor. Internal bleeding is caused when the circulatory system is damaged, which can be caused by external trauma that doesn’t necessarily result in external injury.
Internal bleeding can cause hemorrhagic shock and fatality if it is untreated. A layperson does not easily diagnose internal bleeding, but trained EMTs can usually identify an internal injury’s scope and the extent to brief medical staff. Moreover, trained EMTs will stabilize a person during transport to reduce injury.
The effects of internal bleeding can cause serious long-term consequences. For example, internal bleeding can cause permanent disability or paralysis. Moreover, even a low-impact injury can reignite older injuries causing internal bleeding.
Main Causes of Internal Bleeding
Blunt Force Trauma
Blunt force injuries can cause internal bleeding—for example, a car accident or getting stuck by a falling object. Indeed, any time an object strikes someone, it is possible that internal bleeding could result.
Impacts from Sudden Stops
In traffic collisions, a person’s body continues to be propelled forward until its momentum is arrested by a seat belt or something else. These sudden stops can cause the brain to hit the cranial walls resulting in brain swelling. Even a minor sudden stop can cause brain bleeds or other internal injuries.
Potential Issues: Eggshell Plaintiffs
Certain individuals are more susceptible to internal bleeding, such as those with sickle cell anemia. A person with sickle cell anemia can experience a potentially fatal internal bleeding injury even in a relatively minor roadside accident.
Eggshell plaintiffs refer to a type of personal injury case in which someone is susceptible to injury due to a pre-existing condition. Eggshell doctrine dictates that defendants take their plaintiffs as they come or that a particular person’s pre-existing condition does not relieve a defendant from liability for that person’s injuries.